Add a Vehicle

Step 1/2 - Upload Data

Placeholder description

Add a Vehicle

General Vehicle Information

Body Class:
Weight Class (if passenger vehicle, choose Class 1):
Make (brand):

Vehicle Measurements

On which side of the vehicle did you start your LiDAR scan?
A: Front-to-front (distance from front of hood to front of driver's seat at forward-most position): ft in
B: Front-to-back (distance from front of hood to front of driver's seat at backward-most position): ft in
C: Seat depth (distance from front of driver's seat to the furthest point back where you can sit): ft in
D: Seat center (distance from centerline of driver's seat to outermost point of vehicle on driver's side): ft in
E: Seat high (distance from top of driver's seat at its uppermost position to the ground): ft in
F: Seat low (distance from top of driver's seat at its lowest position to the ground): ft in

Upload LiDAR Scan

Scan your vehicle in Polycam, making sure to capture the front and sides of the vehicle up to the B pillar (just behind the front door) on either side. Export your scan as a GLTF (.glb) file on your device.